MUN Rules of Procedure

by leegyeongje

csiamun2013 rules of procedure

Although the chairs will explain the rules of procedure prior to the conference itself, we recommend all delegates, especially those who are first attending MUN conferences, to read this. But don’t worry even if you don’t understand all of the context – the chairs will help you along the way.


Though you do not have to understand every detail of the procedure, you do have some preparation to do before CSIAMUN 2013 begins. We urge all delegates to prepare the following for a more productive conference:


1. Opening Speeches


Each delegate is given a minute to give his or her opening speech. The purpose of an opening speech is to introduce your country and the stance of your country on the given agenda.






Honourable chair, Esteemed delegates, it is an honour to represent Poland at this the Royal Russell 29thannual conference. Poland wishes to tackle many significant issues through debate here. Firstly, we are greatly concerned by the rapidly growing threat posed by climate change. Clearly, global warming is a real and present danger and something that should not be ignored. We are also greatly troubled by the fact that basic human rights are being violated all over the globe. Child labour, euthanasia and racial discrimination are but three examples of the kind of inhumane acts which continue to transpire in this modern age of acceptance and toleration. Poland is particularly concerned with the lack of democratic progress in Afghanistan, where our troops continue to die alongside their allied comrades.

Poland would like to see bio fuels widely introduced as an immediate solution to the problem of climate change. Fast and decisive action is clearly needed to resolve this increasingly problematic matter. We would also like to ensure that human rights are properly respected by all countries by making sure that human rights laws are more rigorously enforced. We would like the 2,500 Polish troops in Afghanistan to withdraw as soon as possible and their responsibilities handed over to local, Afghan troops.

Poland hopes that this conference will result in decisive, safe and effective resolution of many important issues. Thank you honourable chair, esteemed delegates.


As you can see, the opening speech 1)addresses the issue your country is interested in 2)emphasizes the importance of dealing with this issue 3)gives possible solutions 4)urges other delegations to join in.


2. Draft Resolution


The draft resolution will be the basis for writing the resolution during the plenary session. If you are not familiar with writing resolutions, we recommend you to at least think about and write down possible solutions to the given agenda.


3. Read Chair Reports


Reading the chair reports will give you a basic idea about what will be discussed throughout the conference. We would recommend you to do further research on the subject in order to talk about the issues in greater detail.


Delegates commonly ask if they must prepare 2 opening speeches – one for each agenda. No, you only have to prepare one. You should choose an agenda you are interested in, research, write an opening speech, and prepare a draft resolution. Although you will only write 1 resolution on 1 topic, you should read the chair report for both agendas so that you will be able to talk about both topics once the debate begins.