
Welcome to CSIAMUN 2013

Category: Notice


MUN 오실 때 다음과 같이 준비해 오시면 됩니다.

1) 세면도구

참고로 침구류는 학교 기숙사에서 제공됩니다.

2) 옷

회의 시간 의외의 시간에 기숙사에서나 culture night 때 입을 편안한 옷과 잠옷 등을 가져오시면 됩니다.

3) 정장/교복

회의 중에는 옷을 단정하게 입어주시면 됩니다. 남성분들은 자켓을 입어주셨으면 하고 여성분들은 너무 짧은 치마를 피해주세요.

4)노트북 (선택)

노트북은 결의안을 작성할 때 필요합니다. 그렇지만 모든 학생들이 가져오지 않더라도 같이 모여서 결의안을 쓰는 참가자들 중에서 노트북이 있는 참가자들과 함께 작성하면 됩니다.

버스 안내

08:00 서울역 (서울스퀘어-((구)대우빌딩) 맞은편(9번 출구 앞)

김영주 010-6397-4194

08:00 고속터미널역-GS 고속 터미널 주유소(자이 아파트 맞은편)

김지훈 010-4249-7081

08:30 잠실종합운동장 5번출구 앞

이장규 010-4488-5511

시간에 맞춰서 탑승해주시기바랍니다.

MUN Rules of Procedure

csiamun2013 rules of procedure


모의유엔 회의의 진행 방법에 대한 간단한 소개를 첨부하였으니 참고해주시길 바랍니다.


물론 2월 1일 워크샵을 통해서 그리고 회의 이전에도 체어들이 자세히 설명해주겠지만 미리 참고하면 도움이 될 것 같습니다. 진행 방법을 자세히 모르더라도 회의에 참여하면서 차근차근 알아나갈 수 있을 것이라고 생각됩니다. 그렇지만 회의에 참여하기 이전에 준비할 사항이 몇 가지 있어 알려드리려 합니다.


1. Opening Speeches


Opening Speeches는 회의 초반에 내가 대표하고 있는 나라가 주제에 대해서 어떤 입장인지 다른 delegate들에게 소개하는 스피치입니다.


예시를 보자면




Honourable chair, Esteemed delegates, it is an honour to represent Poland at this the Royal Russell 29thannual conference. Poland wishes to tackle many significant issues through debate here. Firstly, we are greatly concerned by the rapidly growing threat posed by climate change. Clearly, global warming is a real and present danger and something that should not be ignored. We are also greatly troubled by the fact that basic human rights are being violated all over the globe. Child labour, euthanasia and racial discrimination are but three examples of the kind of inhumane acts which continue to transpire in this modern age of acceptance and toleration. Poland is particularly concerned with the lack of democratic progress in Afghanistan, where our troops continue to die alongside their allied comrades.

Poland would like to see bio fuels widely introduced as an immediate solution to the problem of climate change. Fast and decisive action is clearly needed to resolve this increasingly problematic matter. We would also like to ensure that human rights are properly respected by all countries by making sure that human rights laws are more rigorously enforced. We would like the 2,500 Polish troops in Afghanistan to withdraw as soon as possible and their responsibilities handed over to local, Afghan troops.

Poland hopes that this conference will result in decisive, safe and effective resolution of many important issues. Thank you honourable chair, esteemed delegates.


예시에서 볼 수 있듯이 1)나라가 취하는 입장 2)이 주제가 중요한 이유 3)해결방안 제시 등의 내용으로 구성되어있습니다.


2. Draft Resolution

Draft Resolution은 resolution을 작성할 때 조금 더 원활하게 진행할 수 있도록 미리 해결방안을 생각하고 정리해오는 것입니다.


3. Chair Report

Chair Report를 읽어 오셔서 주제에 대한 배경지식을 토대로 회의에 더 적극적으로 참여하셨으면 합니다. Chair Report에 이어 추가적으로 조사를 하면 더 많은 도움이 될 것이라고 생각합니다.


자주 물어보는 질문이 Opening Speech를 주제마다 각각 하나씩, 즉, 2개를 작성해야하는지에 대한 것입니다. Opening Speech는 주제 하나를 골라서 그 주제에 대해서만 작성하시면 되고, Draft Resolution도 마찬가지로 그 주제에 대해서만 하시면 됩니다. 그렇지만 토의는 두 주제 모두에 대해 진행할 것이기 때문에 다른 주제에 대해서도 Chair Report 정도는 읽어주셨으면 합니다.



MUN Rules of Procedure

csiamun2013 rules of procedure

Although the chairs will explain the rules of procedure prior to the conference itself, we recommend all delegates, especially those who are first attending MUN conferences, to read this. But don’t worry even if you don’t understand all of the context – the chairs will help you along the way.


Though you do not have to understand every detail of the procedure, you do have some preparation to do before CSIAMUN 2013 begins. We urge all delegates to prepare the following for a more productive conference:


1. Opening Speeches


Each delegate is given a minute to give his or her opening speech. The purpose of an opening speech is to introduce your country and the stance of your country on the given agenda.






Honourable chair, Esteemed delegates, it is an honour to represent Poland at this the Royal Russell 29thannual conference. Poland wishes to tackle many significant issues through debate here. Firstly, we are greatly concerned by the rapidly growing threat posed by climate change. Clearly, global warming is a real and present danger and something that should not be ignored. We are also greatly troubled by the fact that basic human rights are being violated all over the globe. Child labour, euthanasia and racial discrimination are but three examples of the kind of inhumane acts which continue to transpire in this modern age of acceptance and toleration. Poland is particularly concerned with the lack of democratic progress in Afghanistan, where our troops continue to die alongside their allied comrades.

Poland would like to see bio fuels widely introduced as an immediate solution to the problem of climate change. Fast and decisive action is clearly needed to resolve this increasingly problematic matter. We would also like to ensure that human rights are properly respected by all countries by making sure that human rights laws are more rigorously enforced. We would like the 2,500 Polish troops in Afghanistan to withdraw as soon as possible and their responsibilities handed over to local, Afghan troops.

Poland hopes that this conference will result in decisive, safe and effective resolution of many important issues. Thank you honourable chair, esteemed delegates.


As you can see, the opening speech 1)addresses the issue your country is interested in 2)emphasizes the importance of dealing with this issue 3)gives possible solutions 4)urges other delegations to join in.


2. Draft Resolution


The draft resolution will be the basis for writing the resolution during the plenary session. If you are not familiar with writing resolutions, we recommend you to at least think about and write down possible solutions to the given agenda.


3. Read Chair Reports


Reading the chair reports will give you a basic idea about what will be discussed throughout the conference. We would recommend you to do further research on the subject in order to talk about the issues in greater detail.


Delegates commonly ask if they must prepare 2 opening speeches – one for each agenda. No, you only have to prepare one. You should choose an agenda you are interested in, research, write an opening speech, and prepare a draft resolution. Although you will only write 1 resolution on 1 topic, you should read the chair report for both agendas so that you will be able to talk about both topics once the debate begins.

워크샵 안내

2월 1일 금요일 1시 건국대학교 산학협동관 225호에서 워크샵이 있을 예정입니다.

MUN 회의에 대한 간단한 소개, 회의 진행 방법, Q&A 세션 등을 진행할 예정이니 MUN이 처음이신 분들은 특히 많이 참가해주셨으면 합니다.


Committee 배정


committee 배정 최종본입니다.

나라가 배정되지 않으신 분들은 이메일로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

About Culture Night

CSIAMUN is a model united nations conference in which students from several different nations such as Bangladesh, India, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Korea come together. In the spirit of the united nations, which is to facilitate cooperation and achieve world peace, CSIAMUN promotes the sharing of different cultures among students of different nationalities. Culture Night is a time to share your country’s culture with other students by performing on stage. Dancing, singing, instruments, and other performances are all acceptable. We invite all students to join in on Culture Night to make it meaningful.

Please apply!

Culture Night Performance

Individuals or teams who want to perform in culture night, please send your name, a brief explanation of what you will perform, number of microphones or other necessities, and attach MR files or any other files you will need to perform.

Culture Night 때 공연할 학생들은 이름, 공연에 대한 간단한 설명, 필요한 마이크 등의 각종 장비, 그리고 MR 파일 또는 음악 파일을 꼭 첨부해서 보내주세요.


Kim Jiyoon

Singing ‘Saving all my love for you’

1 microphone

(MR file attached)
